Works fine with OpenStreetMap OBF-vector charts:
- Road routing works fine
- Search
- POI search
- 1. expand OSMand to nautical needs
- 1.1 Splitscreen: chart and navigation data
(NMEA-Data: UTC, DAT, LAT/LON, COG, SOG, VMG, ETA, DBW, ...) - 1.2 WLAN-interface for NMEA
- 1.3 Data-Logger for depth and position
- 1.4 Nautical Route- and trip planning
most important:
- 2. build OpenSeaMap-OBF-charts
- 2.1 Rendering Types
- 2.2 Rendering-Roules for Seamarks and water sport Default-style Ski-style
- 2.3 build charts by OsmandMapCreator HowTo for making OBF-data from OSM-PBF-data
- 2.4 automatise the process
- 2.5 build charts for different screen resolutions
- 2.6 provide charts
- 3. integrate DEM
- 3.1 Water depths
- 3.2 Hights
- 4. integrate port pilot book
at 2: customising in OSMand and MapCreator needed (sector lights, etc.)
at 2.2: there is a script for making customized SVG from the existing OpenSeaMap icon library
at 1: via Audio-Port?
at 2.5: Rendering server available
at 2.6: download server with 4 TB and free traffic available, chart bundler available soon
Bug tracker
Fast solution
Aktuelle Version: 2020-02 3.6
- 2018-08 3.1: Boat navigation: support for waterway fairway
- 2017-04 2.6: Contour lines of nautical depths
- ? Erlaubnis, eigene Karten zu machen