Mobile apps needs a split screen:
- Chart at left side
- Navigation data at right side
For an optimal workflow, we need a specific userfriendly "look and feel" for chart, nav data and menu.
Split screen left side, 80%
Split screen right side, 20%
Data from NMEA ship navigation by WLAN
(alternatively by internal GPS)
data | prio | Nav | WPT | en | de | remarks |
BRG | 1 | x | bearing | Peilung zum Ziel | ||
HDG | 1 | x | heading | Steuerkurs | ||
COG | 1 | x | course over ground | Kurs über Grund | ||
SOG | 1 | x | speed over ground | Geschwindigkeit über Grund | ||
STW | 1 | x | speed through water | Geschwindigkeit durch Wasser | ||
DBS | 1 | x | depth below surface | Tiefe unter Wasserspiegel | alternative DBT, DBK, DEPTH | |
ETA | 1 | x | estimated time of arrival | Ankunftszeit | s.a. ETE | |
XTE | 1 | x | cross track error | Kursabweichung [m] | ||
VMG | 1 | x | velocity made good | Geschwindigkeit zum Ziel | ||
ETE | 2 | x | estimated time of elapsed | Zeit bis Ankunft (Reisezeit) | s.a. ETA | |
AWS | 2 | x | apparent wind speed | Scheinbare Windgescheindigkeit | ||
AWA | 2 | x | apparent wind angle | Scheinbare Windrichtung | ||
TWS | 3 | x | true wind speed | Windgeschwindigkeit wahr | ||
TWA | 3 | x | true wind angle | Windrichtung wahr | ||
SAT | 3 | x | satellites in view | sichtbare Satelliten | ||
LOG | 3 | x | status of NMEA-logging | Betriebszustand des NMEA-Loggers | ein / aus / ... | |
HDOP | 4 | x | horizontal dilution of precision | horizontale GPS-Genauigkeit | ||
WPT BRG | 4 | x | course to next waypoint | Kurs bis nächster WP | ||
DTW | 4 | x | distance to next waypoint | Distanz bis nächster WP | ||
TTW | 4 | x | time to next waypoint | Zeit bis nächster WP |
Ship position
A ship-cursor shows the position in the center of the chart.
When the ship is not in motion, the cursor switch to a standard-cursor (or to another colour).
Ship-cursor directed to the course.
Dashed line marks the stearing yourse (optional switch off/on).
Rubber band cursor from ship position
with crosshair-cursor
display of course and distance from ship position to cursor,
and coordinate of cursor (copy of coordinate to clipboard).
Measuring tool
1. set a starting point
2. move the crosshair-cursor (works like rubberband-cursor)
setting a target point keeps the line on the chart
Menu button on bottom at left side corner
Context sensitive menu on left side
Context sensitive menu on bottom
- Splitscreen with chart and Navi-data
- Search
- Rubber band cursor with cursor context menu
- Goto Cursor (virual Waypoint)
- Goto Waypoint (from list)
- use Route
- set and name Waypoints
- edit Waypoints
- delete Waypoints
- set and name Routes
- add Waypoints to Routes
- set and name Waypoints
- edit Routes
- delete Routes
- Units
- dd,ddd° | dd°mm,m'
- nm | km
- UTC | local time
- Path
- for Maps
- for NMEA-Logfiles
- for Waypoints and Routes
- Logger
- on | off
- start new file
- Display
- Navigation (which data to display)
- Chart (North-up | Head-up)
- Layers (AIS, Radar, Fish-Finder, etc)