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NMEA-Logger anschliessen
Hardware loggers
- Specifications
- NMEA-0183-2-Kanal-Logger
- NMEA-2000-Logger
- WLAN-NMEA-0183 mit TP-Link
- NMEA-0183-Logger mit Arduino
- WLAN-NMEA-2000-Logger mit Raspberry Pi
NMEA-0183-SW-Logger Jens
proprietäre Formate
Mobiler Tiefenmesser


DBK - Depth below keel

Description of fields
Field Description
$--DBK Header including talker ID (e.g. SD (Sounder) or YX(Transducer))
x.x Depth in feed
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
f feet
x.x Depth in meters
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
M meters
x.x Depth in Fathoms
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
F fathoms
(1fm = 6ft = 1,8288m)
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

Standard Talker


DBS - Depth below surface

Description of fields
Field Description
$--DBS Header including talker ID (e.g. SD (Sounder) or YX(Transducer))
x.x Depth in feed
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
f feet
x.x Depth in meters
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
M meters
x.x Depth in Fathoms
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
F fathoms
(1fm = 6ft = 1,8288m)
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

Standard Talker


DBT - Depth below transductor

Description of fields
Field Description
$--DBT Header including talker ID (e.g. SD (Sounder) or YX(Transducer))
x.x Depth in feed
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
f feet
x.x Depth in meters
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
M meters
x.x Depth in Fathoms
(fixed decimal point, non leading-zero suppression)
F fathoms
(1fm = 6ft = 1,8288m)
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

Standard Talker


GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data

Description of fields
Field Description
$--GGA Header including Talker ID UTC time of position
llll.ll Latitude (WGS 1984)
a Hemisphere, North or South
yyyyy.yy Longitude (WGS 1984)
a East or West
x Position quality indicator
0 = Fix not available or invalid
1 = No real-time position, navigation fix
2 = Real-time position, ambiguities not fixed
3 = Valid fix for GNSS Precise Positioning Service mode, for example WAAS
4 = Real-time position, ambiguities fixed
xx Number of satellites in use, 00 to 26.
x.x HDOP
x.x Altitude of position marker above/below mean sea level in metres.
If no orthometric height is available the local ellipsoidal height will be exported.
If the local ellipsoidal height is not available either, the WGS 1984 ellipsoidal height will be exported.
M Units of altitude as fixed text M
x.x Geoidal separation in metres. This is the difference between the WGS 1984 earth

ellipsoid surface and mean sea level.

M Units of geoidal separation as fixed text M
x.x Age of differential GNSS data, empty when D PS not used
G xxx
x Differential reference station ID, 0000 to 1023
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

User defined Talker ID = GN:


GGQ - Real-time Position with CQ

Source: Leica-GPS

Description of fields
Field Description
$--GGQ Header including talker ID UTC time of position
mmddyy UTC date
llll.ll Latitude (WGS 1984)
a Hemisphere, North or South
yyyyy.yy Longitude (WGS 1984)
a East or West
x Position quality indicator
0 = Fix not available or invalid
1 = No real-time position, navigation fix
2 = Real-time position, ambiguities not fixed
3 = Real-time position, ambiguities fixed
xx Number of satellites in use, 00 to 26.
x.x Coordinate quality in metres
x.x Altitude of position marker above/below mean sea level in metres.
If no orthometric height is available the local ellipsoidal height will be exported.
If the local ellipsoidal height is not available either, the WGS 1984 ellipsoidal height will be exported.
M Units of altitude as fixed text M
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

Standard Talker ID:


User defined Talker ID = GN:


GLL - Geographical Position Latitude/Longitude

Source: Leica-GPS



Description of fields
Field Description
$--GGL Header including talker ID
llll.ll Latitude (WGS 1984)
a Hemisphere, North or South
yyyyy.yy Longitude (W 1984)
a East or West UTC time of position
A Status
A = Data valid
V = Data not valid
a Mode indicator
A = Autonomous mode
D = Differential mode
N = Data not valid
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

The Mode indicator field supplements the Status field.
The Status field is set to A for the Mode indicators A and D.
The Status field is set to V for the Mode indicator N.


Standard Talker ID:


User defined Talker ID = GN:


GSA - GNSS DOP and Active Satellites

Description of fields
Field Description
$--GSA Header including talker ID
a Mode
M = Manual, forced to operate in 2D or 3D mode
A = Automatic, allowed to automatically change between 2D and 3D
x Mode
1 = Fix not available
2 = 2D
3 = 3D
xx Numbers of the satellites used in the solution. This field is repeated 12 times.
1 to 32 = PRN numbers of GPS satellites
33 to 64 = Numbers of WAAS and WAAS like satellites
65 to 96 = Slot numbers of GLONASS satellites
x.x PDOP
x.x HDOP
x.x VDOP
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Retur
<LF> Line Feed

Standard Talker ID


User defined Talker ID = GN


GSV - GNSS Satellites in View

Description of fields
Field Description
$--GSV Header including talker ID
x Total number of messages, 1 to 4
x Message number, 1 to 4
xx Number of theoretically visible satellites according to the current almanac.
xx PRN (GPS) / Slot (GLONASS) number of satellite
xx Elevation in degrees, 90 maximum, empty when not tracking
xxx Azimuth in degrees true North, 000 to 359, empty when not tracking
xx Signal to Noise Ration C/No in dB, 00 to 99 of L1 signal, null field when not t acking.
... Repeat set PRN / Slot number, elevation, azimuth and SNR up to four times
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

Satellite information may require the transmission of multip le messages, specified by the total number of messages and the message number.
The fields for the PRN / Slot number, Elevation, Azimuth and SNR form one set.
A variable number of these sets are allowed up to a maximum of four sets per message.


Standard Talker ID:


User defined Talker ID = GN:


RMC - Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data

Description of fields
Field Description
$--RCM Header including talker ID UTC time of position
A Status
A = Data valid
V = Navigation receiver warning
llll.ll Latitude (WGS 1984)
a Hemisphere, North or South
yyyy.yy Longitude (W 1984)
a East or West
x.x Speed over ground in knots
x.x Course over ground in degrees
xxxxxx Date: ddmmyy
x.x Magnetic variation in degrees
a East or West
a*hh Mode Indicator
A = Autonomous mode
D = Differential mode
N = Data not vaild
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

Standard Talker ID:


User defined Talker ID = GN:


VTG - Course Over Ground and Ground Speed

Description of fields
Field Description
$--VTG Header including talker ID
x.x Course over ground in degrees true North, 0.0 to 359.9
T Fixed text T for true North
x.x Course over ground in degrees agnetic North, 0.0 to 359.9
M Fixed text M for magnetic North
x.x Speed over ground in knots
N Fixed text N for knots
x.x Speed over ground in km/h
K Fixed text K for km/h
a Mode Indicator
A = Autonomous mode
D = Differential mode
N = Data not valid
*hh Checksum
<CR> Carriage Return
<LF> Line Feed

Standard Talker ID:


User defined Talker ID = GN:
