OpenSeaMap-dev:Downloadable Raster Charts
- see Discussion
Status Quo
prefabricated charts
- pros:
- low stress on tile servers
- cons:
- set up needed
- needs to be maintained
- not always up to date
- might not fit users needs
- OpenNauticalCharts (outdated)
- Chart-Bundler (work in progress)
- (showcase)
on demand
- pros:
- up to date
- fits individual needs
- cons:
- high stress on tile servers
- users have to do some research, might be a complex task
- Chart-Designer (work in progress)
- OSM-Wiki
- smrender-online
- MOBAC (banned by most tile-servers due to unreasonable load)
- GMapCatcher
cache & proxy tile server
- TileStache provides
- numerous caches (eg. disk, Memcache, Amazon S3, MBTiles)
- TMS and WMS proxy
- fast and faster using nginx
- cache max-age: 30 days?
- served by cache & proxy tile server at minimum cost
- tiles in TMS z/x/y directory structure (eg. gps-32, openlayers)
- tiles in TMS z/x/y structure encapsulated in sqlite file ( mbtiles, eg. tilestache, OruxMaps, Locus)
- single raster file stiched together via script and imagemagic (eg. .kap/openCPN)
- gemf format - compact format for tiles, can be read by various libraries - e.g. osmdroid, simple to handle gemf format
bounding boxes/ tile sets
- coastal / ocean / open waters
- stick to well known INT-charts
- inland waterways
- generate corridor (x-tiles wide) along centerline of waterway GMapCatcher example
- lakes
- ...
web frontend
- map showing boundingboxes according zoom level transas sample
- sortable table
- search by name/number/area/purpose
- functions:
- search prefabricated files, check age
- trigger generating script in case file does not exist/ is obsolete