OpenSeaMap-dev:Entwicklerwochenende 2015-04/Bericht en
The meeting took place in Nürnberg from 2015-04-24 - 2015-04-26
There have been some intense discssions about the openess of the openseamap activities. Markus argued that there are discussions with parties that require to be in private since they don't like to be publicly associated to openseamap for political reasons. The people present at the meeting understood that need but claimed that some developers left or feel demotivated since key information is held by a central person. Communication with such parties is sensitive and should be done by people that have valuable contributions and insight. We found that even if we setup a group instead of a person the legitimation for that group is pretty difficult since we have no legal background which can regulate who is able to vote or not. Markus pointed out that some communication resembles characteristics of first level support and it is efficient to not bother developers which such an information. Attendees felt that this decision is to be made by developers themselves. After some discussion and weighing out the pros and cons of such changes, Martin offered to summarize the discussion which will be communicated shortly - first for to attendees and then to the public.
Depth Processing
We have the basic processing chain setup and evaluate the performance in real world data sets. Inshore data renders fine but large offshore data has to be improved as some queries are a little bit slow. When performance has been improved we need to focus on data quality. Key quality contributors are the ocean tide, gauges and manual data corrections. Ocean tide calculation is already included and gauges will be the next step to be included. Andreas is an expert in filtering techniques and data analysis and would like to view at portions of the data to get an insight how a good filter might look like. As the sources are not yet online it is quite difficoult to get the system up and running in his environment.
Format decoding
Herbert has written a tool that is capable detecting patterns in file formats to decode them. He is currently working on AT5 which is a chart format by Lowrance. Since we have several unknown formats which were uploaded to the depth webpage he will try to analyze some of the formats to see if we can decode them in the near future
Web Backend
Editing of errors and gauges need to be addressed.
Backend API
Backend API Secure
The manual corrections involves more work and Martin will make a proposal how to integrate the editing from the gis web viewpoint.
Axel is a new contributor to the web page and contributed some valuable fixes.
Depth Website
Sources Webfrontend
Paper Chart Rendering
SMRender Bernhard is actively contributing to the paper based renderer and is capable of rendering various difficult scenarios. However he - like so many others - eagerly awaits free depth contours from OpenSeaMap to become available.
Software Rendering
OSM Renderer
Malcolm is administrating the old renderer while working on the new one. The new renderer may be found at OSM-SVN Progress has been slow recently.
Application Rendering
This Android based application is rendering charts from offline data pretty fast. However it lacks support for rendering seamarks. Markus contacted the OSMAnd developer and he is open to contributions that are capable of rendering seamarks and other sea items. Interested parties are welcome to show themselves to Dev-Mailing-List
S57 is a widely supported format. It would be nice to have a S57 writer so that software such as OpenCPN could use OpenSeaMap data. This should be easy task since all seamarks are already encoded as S57 within the osm database. KAP is a raster format that is supported. >> What is the status of these KAP files ??? <<
Orux Maps & Locus
Based on MapsForge. Alexej is looking into how we can integrate into that portal . Is that correct ?
Vector Charts
AT5 Generation
Someone ? is working on activating software that can generate at5 files. The process is very cpu time consuming and we have a hardware provider and location at hand that can take over the generation process. Everything needs to be setup though.
Garmin ADM
As of January garmin charts stopped working due to a firmware update. Investigation is underway. The chart updates are currenlty not being handled so they are very outdated. If someone likes to reenable the process, raise your hand.
There are some ideas floating around but nothing else at the moment. Contact Markus to get some details. Raster Charts
Raster Charts
Alexej is working on providing zip files of predefined regions. As the amount of data is fairly large - estimated to several TB of data - he is searching for ways to intelligently select necessary tiles and compressions.
State of the Loggers
OpenSeaMap Data Logger
NMEA0183 Seatalk
Since there has been a bug on the firmware the produced loggers must be flashed with a new firmware. The recently sold loggers all had the new firmware but we are running low on patched loggers and we need to flash the unpatched loggers in stock. Andreas and Wolfgang will contact Winfried on the instructions how to flash the logger to speed up the process.
NMEA 2000
There is some interest to build such a logger and provide it at a cheat rate. Interested parties are welcome to show themselves to
Plotters from vendors
There are some plotter models listed on Lowrance, Simrad, B&G Garmin It is desirable to complete that list. Anyone having information and willing to actively find out which plotters are supported, present yourself at
Software Data Logger
Since the upload API change the current logger no longer supports uploading files directly to There is a bug that needs to be fixed and Jens will look after it in order to get this working again.
Social Media
Markus tried to consolidate the accounts and found out some social media accounts are held by other people. We are figuring out ways to integrate that appearance. Cornelia did some valuable work for our presence. Discussions are under way to improve rendering for mobile devices. The main web page needs some updates to the underlying typo3 system. Wolfgang offered some help with the updates.