OpenSeaMap-dev Diskussion:Downloadable Raster Charts

Aus OpenSeaMap-dev
Version vom 16. Februar 2015, 09:55 Uhr von Kannix (Diskussion | Beiträge) (py script: 'exit' added)
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web frontend

  • die INT-chart Grenzen (als Basis fuer ein download-tool) bekomme ich inzwischen auf den Schirm: , sicherlich verbesserungsbeduerftig
  • workflow
    • INT-Chart durch klick auf die Karte waehlen
    • download iniziieren
      • Weiterleitung auf neue Seite
      • pruefen, ob und in welchem Format vorhanden
      • wenn ja und nicht zu alt, downloadlinks anbieten
      • wenn nein Job in queue-db schreiben
        • number, name, bbox, scale, sessionid, ip-address, email, microtime, status=open, ...
  • das ganze garnieren mit
    • Pruefung, ob das script fuer diese karte schon in der Warteschlange ist
    • Limitierung auf x downloads/jobs pro session ...
    • email notifier
    • captcha


  • apache
  • php
  • sqlite

tile server

  • cronjob checkt queue-db alle x Minuten
  • waehlt aeltesten job aus queue-db mit status=open
  • tiledownload ueber proxy mit landez
    • sinnvolles zoom-level anhand bbox errechnen (max. 10MB/chart)
    • mbtiles erzeugen (siehe auch mbtiles implementation)
    • stitchen und .png/.jpg erzeugen
    • .kap mit imgkap erstellen
    • ...
  • status=done, zoom-level, date, ... in queue-db setzen
  • temp-dir bereinigen und results in charts-dir kopieren
  • erste Ergebnisse meiner Versuche:


  • apache
    • mod_python
  • tilestache
  • nginx remote proxy
  • imagemagick
  • python
  • imgkap

py script

import logging
import shutil
import math
from landez import MBTilesBuilder, ImageExporter, TilesManager
import sqlite3
import os
import sys
import codecs


# to be imported from sqlite-queue
con = sqlite3.connect('queue.sqlite')

with con:
    con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute('SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE status="open" ORDER BY microtime DESC')
    rows = cur.fetchall()

    if len(rows) == 0:
      logging.debug(" Nothing to do, exiting ")
    for row in rows:
      sqMicrotime = row["Microtime"]
      sqChart = row["Chart"]
      sqName = row["Name"]
      sqHO = row["HO"]
      sqBottomGeoPre = row["BottomGeoPre"]
      sqTopGeoPre = row["TopGeoPre"]
      sqLeftGeoPre =  row["LeftGeoPre"]
      sqRightGeoPre = row["RightGeoPre"]
      sqNumTiles16 = row["NumTiles16"]

# to be calculated from numtiles16, numtiles < 700
# numtiles16 is right now hardcoded at int-chart.gejson for ol depth of view reasons, there might be smarter ways in future
myNumTiles = sqNumTiles16 * 4 * 4
myZoom = 18

while (myNumTiles > 700):
 myNumTiles = myNumTiles / 4
 myZoom = myZoom - 1

# settings
# myUrlBase = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
myUrlBase = "{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg"
myUrlSeamark = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"

if sqHO == "DE":
    myUrlHydro = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
elif sqHO== "NL/GB":
    myUrlHydro = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
    myUrlHydro = ""

myFileName = str(sqMicrotime)
myMbtilesFile = myFileName + ".mbtiles"
myImageFile = myFileName + ".jpg"
myKapFile = myFileName + ".kap"
myTextFile = myFileName + ".txt"
myBbox = (sqLeftGeoPre, sqBottomGeoPre, sqRightGeoPre, sqTopGeoPre)
myZoomLevels = [myZoom]
myZoomLevel = myZoom
myTileSize = 256
#myTileFormat = 'image/png'
myTileFormat = 'image/jpeg'

# download and mbtiles build
mb = MBTilesBuilder(tiles_url=myUrlBase, cache=True, filepath=myMbtilesFile, tile_size=myTileSize, tile_format=myTileFormat)
mb.add_coverage(myBbox, myZoomLevels)

if myUrlHydro != "":
  hydro = TilesManager(tiles_url=myUrlHydro)
  seamark = TilesManager(tiles_url=myUrlSeamark)
  overlay = hydro
  seamark = TilesManager(tiles_url=myUrlSeamark)
  overlay = seamark


# export image from mbtiles
# not the best idea: causes IO at temp dir, again
ie = ImageExporter(mbtiles_file=myMbtilesFile)
ie.export_image(myBbox, myZoomLevel, imagepath=myImageFile)
# save the geoinfo
myGrid = ie.grid_tiles(myBbox, myZoomLevel)
sqWidth = len(myGrid[0])
sqHeight = len(myGrid)
sqWidthPix = sqWidth * myTileSize
sqHeightPix = sqHeight * myTileSize

# delete temp dir (ImageExporter does not!)
# bad: path is hard coded. how do I get hold of landez's temp path?
except OSError:

# geoinfo output
logging.debug(" grid: " +  str(myGrid))

myLeftColumn = myGrid[0]
myTopLeft = myLeftColumn[0]
sqLeftTile = myTopLeft[0]
sqTopTile = myTopLeft[-1]

myRightColumn = myGrid[-1]
myBottomRight = myRightColumn[-1]
sqRightTile = myBottomRight[0]
sqBottomTile = myBottomRight[-1]

# calculate coords from tilenumbers
def num2deg(xtile, ytile, zoom):
  n = 2.0 ** zoom
  lon_deg = -180.0 + 360.0 * xtile / n
  lat_rad = math.atan(math.sinh(math.pi * (1.0 - 2.0 * (ytile / n))))
  lat_deg = 180.0 * lat_rad / math.pi
  return (lon_deg, lat_deg)

sqBottomGeoPost = (num2deg(sqRightTile + 1, sqBottomTile + 1, myZoom)[-1])
sqTopGeoPost = (num2deg(sqLeftTile, sqTopTile, myZoom)[-1])
sqLeftGeoPost = (num2deg(sqLeftTile, sqTopTile, myZoom)[0])
sqRightGeoPost = (num2deg(sqRightTile + 1, sqBottomTile + 1, myZoom)[0])

# shall be exported to sqlite-queue
logging.debug(" baselayer: " + str(myUrlBase))
logging.debug(" seamark: " + str(myUrlSeamark))
logging.debug(" hydro: " + str(myUrlHydro))
logging.debug(" zoom: " + str(myZoom))

logging.debug(" width: " + str(sqWidth) + " tiles")
logging.debug(" height: " + str(sqHeight) + " tiles")
logging.debug(" widthpix: " + str(sqWidthPix) + " pixel")
logging.debug(" heightpix: "+ str(sqHeightPix) + " pixel")

logging.debug(" left tile " + str(sqLeftTile))
logging.debug(" right tile: " + str(sqRightTile))
logging.debug(" top tile: " + str(sqTopTile))
logging.debug(" bottom tile: "+ str(sqBottomTile))

logging.debug(" left: " +  str(sqLeftGeoPost))
logging.debug(" right: " +  str(sqRightGeoPost))
logging.debug(" top: " +  str(sqTopGeoPost))
logging.debug(" bottom: " +  str(sqBottomGeoPost))

sqPost = [
  'UrlBase="' + str(myUrlBase) + '"',
  'UrlSeamark="' + str(myUrlSeamark) + '"',
  'UrlHydro="' + str(myUrlHydro) + '"',
  'Zoom=' + str(myZoom),
  'BottomGeoPost='+ str(sqBottomGeoPost),
  'TopGeoPost='+ str(sqTopGeoPost),
  'LeftGeoPost='+ str(sqLeftGeoPost),
  'RightGeoPost='+ str(sqRightGeoPost),
t = ", "
sqPost = t.join(sqPost)
sqlUpdate = "UPDATE jobs " + "SET " + str(sqPost) + " WHERE Microtime=" + str(sqMicrotime)
logging.debug(" sqlUpdate: " +  str(sqlUpdate))

con = sqlite3.connect('queue.sqlite')
with con:
    con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
    cur = con.cursor()
    logging.debug(" Number of rows updated: " +  str(cur.rowcount))

# start imgkap to generate .kap file
import subprocess
myImgkapCall = "./imgkap " + myImageFile + " " + str(sqTopGeoPost) + " " + str(sqLeftGeoPost) + " " + str(sqBottomGeoPost) + " " + str(sqRightGeoPost) + " " + myKapFile
print myImgkapCall, shell=True)

# write textfile
txtPost = [
  'These charts cannot replace official charts, use at your own risk!',
  'INT Chart Number= ' + sqChart,
  'INT Chart Name= ' + sqName,
  'Copyright Notices:',
  'Base Layer=',
  'Seamark Layer=',
  'DE Hydrography=',
  'NL Hydrography=',
  'Zoom Level= ' + str(myZoom),
  'Bottom= '+ str(sqBottomGeoPost),
  'Top= '+ str(sqTopGeoPost),
  'Left= '+ str(sqLeftGeoPost),
  'Right= '+ str(sqRightGeoPost),
  'width= ' + str(sqWidth) + ' tiles',
  'height= ' + str(sqHeight) + ' tiles',
  'width= ' + str(sqWidthPix) + ' pixel',
  'height= ' + str(sqHeightPix) + ' pixel',
  'left tile number= ' + str(sqLeftTile),
  'right tile number= ' + str(sqRightTile),
  'top tile number= ' + str(sqTopTile),
  'bottom tile number= '+ str(sqBottomTile)
t = "\n"
txtPost = t.join(txtPost)
logging.debug(" txtPost: " +  txtPost)

with, 'w', "utf-8") as f:

# move and rename files
myPath   = "../INT-CHART/INT-"
myNotice = "_MapQuest-OSeaM-BSH"

myNewMbtilesFile = myPath + sqChart + myNotice + ".mbtiles"
myNewImageFile   = myPath + sqChart + myNotice + ".jpg"
myNewKapFile     = myPath + sqChart + myNotice + ".kap"
myNewTextFile    = myPath + sqChart + myNotice + ".txt"

  os.rename (myMbtilesFile, myNewMbtilesFile)
except OSError:

  os.rename (myImageFile, myNewImageFile)
except OSError:

  os.rename (myKapFile, myNewKapFile)
except OSError:

  os.rename (myTextFile, myNewTextFile)
except OSError:

Reason for ChartBundler

  • Lets talk a bit about amounts here and not low stress or high stress. Using the charts offline on a mobile device. Lets say the display is about 1024x1024 Pixel, then we will need at least 16 tiles per map. If we start on zoom level 8 with the bounding box and continue to zoom level 16 for the harbours, we need around 2 Mio tiles. This 16 tiles on zoom level 8 is about the northern Adria. If we want the Channel just skipping Lands End up to the belgian coast, this would be 6 by 5 on zoom level 8. --Alexej
  • Hi Alexej, do not understand this paragraph!? 2 test datasets of mine:
    • INT-1463 bei zoom-level 13 (s="53.7" n="54.25" w="7.4" e="9.05"):
      x: 37
      y: 21
      total: 777
    • river Ruhr
      ~ 370 tiles
--Kannix (Diskussion) 16:22, 29. Jan. 2015 (UTC)