OpenSeaMap-dev:Catalogue of INT Charts

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Issues at github:


  • pdf-converter Nitro Pro 9 works verry well on WIN (30days trial):
    After conversion to .xlsx, save as .csv and continue with text-editor to get rid of joined cells...
  • PDF2Table does a very good job and is Open Source. It's producing a file output.xml containing the table information.
  • coords transformation dd°' to dd.dddd openoffice-calc example (Gebietsschema 'Deutsch (Schweiz)' wg. Dezimaltrenner!):


  • int-chart.csv:
RegionC2,SMALL SCALE INT CHARTS,608,CL,900,Guayaquil a Valparaiso,3500000,"polygon((-91 -1 , -91 -34 , -70 -34 , -70 -1 , -91 -1))"
  • csv2geojson.vrt:
  <OGRVRTLayer name="int-chart">
    <GeometryField encoding="WKT" field="geometry" > </GeometryField >
  • ogr2org:
ogr2ogr -f geojson int-chart.geojson csv2geojson.vrt

Catalogue of INT Charts

is maintained by the IHB in liaison with all regional INT chart coordinators

1: 10 Million Scale

Region 'A' NW Atlantic & NE Pacific

Region 'B' Meso-America & Caribbean Sea

Region 'C1' SW Atlantic

Region 'C2' SE Pacific

REGION 'D' NE Atlantic

Region 'E' Baltic Sea

Region 'F' Mediterranean & Black Seas

Region 'G' E Atlantic

Region 'H' SE Atlantic & SW Indian Ocean

Region 'I' NW Indian Ocean

Region 'J' N Indian Ocean

Region 'K' E Asia & NW Pacific

Region 'L' SE Indian Ocean & SW Pacific

Region 'M' Southern Ocean

Region 'N' Arctic Ocean